Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Give me that Beat

This past week I got my music squared off. My boy's friend came through!  I was really happy about that.  And the cool part is that he's from San Jose. Represent!

We got together in his studio and we went through his library. And let me tell you ... I was blown away with how much music he has made. This guy is the real deal. Hands down, he has some sick beats! I know his sound will make a difference in my film.

I've already experimented and started connecting his sound and with my scenes. And lets say ..... damnnnn!   I'm happy!

Thanks for the hook-up! I owe you.

Sick beats ... Get that instrumental album out there.

Junior Gonzalez
The Filmmaker

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Archive Photos

I've been talking to a Salvadoran organization for the last few weeks or so about using some archive photos that they use on their website. This organization has pretty much been through the whole process of Salvadorans evolving in the United States.  I like the fact that this organization is a resource center for Central Americans. And what's more interesting is that they have been documenting their progress through these photos that I want to use. I was so impress with these photos that I had to find a way to use them.    

Like I said, I made the call to the organization a few weeks back.  And to make the story short ... Today,  I got a letter of approval to use the photos. I was really happy with that! The photos will be used in the history section of the professor. 

Slowly, but surely the doc is coming alive. I have about a month in half before my deadline. At the moment I am on track! So that's good.  

Now I have to get my music situated. I am hoping today I will be meeting with a indie hip-hop producer. We'll see how that goes! 

That's it for now. 

Junior Gonzalez 
The filmmaker   

Monday, May 21, 2012

The L.A. Session Continues

I had a very productive weekend... Once again I made another trip to the city of Angelo. I hooked up with my editor and mannnnnn let me tell you that I am so happy and relieved!!

Damnnn, you have no idea how I was feeling the last couple of weeks. I was so burned out with my project! Ever since my editor took over ... he has really opened my eyes and has done major improvements to the film.

We went through all the interviews... we spliced out unnecessary dialogue and the interviews were becoming a lot smoother.

I want to thank my editor because he is a life saver .... I owe you man!!!!!  I really mean that!

We just spent a weekend and just talked about the doc.

We both agreed that my editor would be spending another month on the project. He has been doing a good job so and I want to continue that momentum.

I want to give another shout out .... thank you C.   She got my paintings done and damnnn they are tight! She surprised the hell out of me. She came out with her A game ... no joke! Her paintings are the very last thing I will be filming.  I will not be picking up another camera in a very long time.  I definitely saved the best thing for last!

I am very serious about these paintings, they came out great! She is a rising star. I am happy that she was able to be a part of my project ... she added a special touch to the project.  - "We fly like birds"

I am getting close ... thank you to the two that I mentioned today ... from all of my heart you have taking my project to another level ... all because of you!

I will be making another trip to LA LA land ... I should just move there again... we'll see .. LOL.

That's it for now.

Junior Gonzalez
The Filmmaker

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bye Bye Spain!

Its coming down to wire now... It looks like my official deadline to be done with my project is August 10. That is when I will be sending it off to Sundance Film Festival.

Just recently I had to purchase some stock footage of the civil war that happened in EL Salvador. I really didn't want to spend money, but I needed to buy some archives to help visually tell my story. I bought a minute of footage and I paid a HEFTY PRICE! Lets just say I had to cancel my trip to Spain. Damnn! My only opportunity to leave the country.  I have to finish my movie, its my priority! ... I just hope my investment pays off.  I really want to be able to compete and have a chance to enter these festivals. I know it will be difficult to get in, but I can always pray and hope for the best.

I have applied the archives to some of my scenes and I have to say it does make a difference.

But within these moments, I also decided to do another edit of my doc... I just also recently saw the film with another set of eyes... actually my sound guy. I thought I would be ready for a final cut and start working on my sound. This is where I  realized the doc needs to be cut down more.

I was getting feedback from my sound guy and I agreed that it wasn't ready as well.  I was a CRUSHED because I thought I was close to being done! I'm just getting anxious to finish, I spent so much time on this that I am loosing some energy.  Lets say I was crushed that I was a little discouraged.  But I know I need to slow down and look at my options.  At this point my eyes are tired everything looks the same, I'm not sure what was working is actually working.  I'm going on an emotional ride right now because I am finally feeling the fatigue and the stress to getting this project done.

This is probably the first time that I am feeling this way.

To help with the situation I called one of my buddy's that lives in L.A. ... he's a filmmaker too and a talented editor.  I just shipped my Hard-Drive to his place in Los Angeles so that he can give me the fresh eyes that I need.  I'm burned out!

I trust him and we will work this out together... I will continue to stay confident and be more patient. I am just happy that I have friend that I can count on.  But for reals...  I am burned out!

I am still also in the process of trying to get Music for my doc.  I'll save that for another day. One thing at a time!

Once this is all done ... I hope to make that trip to Spain or somewhere out of the country. I will need a break!

I will keep you posted.  

Junior Gonzalez
The filmmaker